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scrc director gan rongxing was invited to present at the isber 2014 annual meeting

        on may 20th-24th, 2014, gan rongxing, the director of shanghai clinical research center (scrc) was invited as speaker to attend the isber 2014 annual meeting in orlando, florida, usa.  with the theme of 'fact not fantasy: evidence-based biobanking', the isber 2014 annual meeting and exhibits program has attracted nearly 675 participants from 34 countries .they explored the latest topics and the future plan of biopreservation and biobanking. the isber 2014 annual meeting and exhibits included an exhibit hall with 68 exhibitors in 79 exhibit booths-the largest exhibit hall in isber history.

        the major focus of the meeting was evidence-based biobanking from collection to use and highlighted unique and interdisciplinary best practices of both human and environmental repositories with regard to sample integrity, availability, interrogation and reliability of results. prof. gan gave a presentation about "china biobanking strategy for integrated translational research", introduced the current situation of biobank development in china and its future strategy, and also shared thoughts with attendees on how to build biobanks with unified standards and an information sharing system with focus on high quality biosamples and data, which will better serve new drug development and translational research in the future. he also attended "biopreservation and biobanking editorial board meeting" and emphasized the important role of china in biopreservation and biobanking development.
director gan presented at the meeting

panel discussion
        in the past few years, scrc has been actively engaged in international events and cooperation in the field of biobanking. scrc has invited professor jim vaught, the chairman of isber 2015, as the senior advisor to the director of scrc. he will provide technical direction, consultation and guidance to scrc for the construction and the development of shanghai biobanking project. scrc is willing to establish broad cooperation with internationally famed organizations or society, such as isber, learn from the international experience and promote the biobank development in china  
        about scrc in biobanking: scrc is the only organization authorized by government in biobanking research and engineering, and has been the leading organization in china to provide third-party biobanking service. scrc is committed to facilitate biomedical and translational research by improving the quality and integrity of human biospecimens in compliance with the international standards. scrc has made great efforts in development of standards, information management system, storage facility, research, quality control, and professional trainings in the past few years.
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