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the delegation of national health commission (nhc) and nhfpc’s scientific and technological development center visited sercb

        during the two day, 11-12 july 2018, sercb saw the visit of the delegation led by liu guisheng, director of planning bureau of department of science and education, nhc, and dai tao, vice director of nhfpc’s center for scientific and technological development, and accompanied by the leaders from shanghai municipal commission of health and family planning.
        the major purpose of this visit was to get a comprehensive overview of the opening and sharing of biobanking in china, discuss the means of opening and sharing of biobank resources at the present stage and the existing problems and difficulties, and proactively explore effective solutions. in all, the ultimate aim was to realize overall implementation of the relevant documents and requirements, such as measures for the administration of the national science and technology resource sharing service platform (national science and technology development release 〔2018〕48), and guidance on comprehensively promoting health and healthcare science and technology innovation (national healthcare, science and education commission release〔2016〕50), in order to accelerate the opening and sharing of science and technology resource to the general public.
        the delegation of national health commission (nhc) and nhfpc’s scientific and technological development center visited sercb, central laboratory and big data center, and listened to director gan rongxing’s working report. he introduced the overall status of sercb, and particularly demonstrated sercb’s establishing background, internal organization management mode, basic construction and operation, construction of the mechanism of opening and sharing, service effects and benefits. they also discussed the existing problems facing biobank opening and sharing and the relevant solutions and suggestions. the delegation expressed their firm recognition of sercb’s fine performance in the respect of professionalization and internationalization during the past years. they held that sercb had done a lot of basic work in terms of making breakthrough in mechanism and system, and the sharing of standards, technology, studies of mechanism and foreign services, which provided a sound reference for the development of science and technology resource sharing.
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